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Mon – Fri: 7am – 9pm       |       Sat – Sun: 9am – 7pm

pumping solution north van

Smart Plumbing Solutions: FLO by Moen

The amount of times that we’ve seen major water damage occurring while a homeowner is on vacation is a lot. We know that’s not a very good welcome home after a holiday away, so we’re very happy about the new innovation from Moen that can prevent these types of plumbing disasters!

FLO by Moen is an app-controlled device that detects leaks in the home and stops them. This includes leaky faucets, toilets, showers, and even pipes behind walls. FLO also enables you to turn your home water supply on and off via app from anywhere in the world, giving you total control at a distance.

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How FLO Works

FLO is installed on the main water supply to your home so that it can monitor all water flowing into your home. FLO detects leaks in your home and automatically shuts off water when a major leak occurs.

Every night, FLO tests for minor leaks, even those that are so tiny you would not notice them otherwise. Detecting these smaller leaks as they occur allows you to get on top of them and prevent water waste and unnecessarily high bills.

Installing FLO

FLO by Moen is a serious game changer when it comes to home plumbing maintenance. We highly recommend FLO to all of our customers who are concerned about water damage and waste. To learn more about installing FLO by Moen in your home, get in touch with our technicians today!